1 cup of butter.
2 cups of sugar.
4 eggs.
3 cups of self-rising flour.
1 cup of buttermilk.
2 tsps of vanilla.
Southern caramel icing recipe (double the recipe).




In a mixing bowl, cream the butter and stir in the sugar and beat for about 8 minutes.
Blend in the eggs one at a time then add flour alternately with buttermilk.
Pour in the vanilla and beat until well combined.
Prepare 3 9 inch cake pans and pour the batter evenly in the pans.
In a preheated oven to 350° bake for 25 to 30 minutes.
Transfer the cakes to cooling racks.
Make the southern caramel icing according to package instructions then ice the cakes once they’re cooled.

16 thoughts on “Southern Caramel Cake”
  1. Sounds so good, I jave never seen carmel icing in stores, but I love carmel, I would lpve to try the cake, Do you have a recipe for the frosting?

  2. My grandmother made this cake for my birthday every year. (She died 10 years ago and i still.make it) We called brown sugar cake. Almost the same recipe. The BEST. gram told me that this originated during the depression when white sugar was rationed. Recipes were tweaked to insure deserts continued to be delicious and still able to keep the white sugar for other things.

  3. It’s work and time but worth it

    Caramel Icing:
    1 1/2 sticks butter
    2 cans evaporated milk 12 ounces each
    2 cup granulated sugar
    2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract

    Add butter, evaporated milk, and sugar to saucepan over medium heat until everything has melted together.
    Leave over medium to low heat stirring periodically for about 1 1/2- 2 hours (watch the entire time to make sure it does not burn until thickened and caramel has darkened to a beautiful golden brown.
    Make sure that the caramel turns the color of the photo below before stopping the heat.
    It should also thickly coat the back of a spoon to ensure thickness. See notes below for additional tips for the caramel.
    Be careful to watch, adjusting heat temperature to not let it burn.
    Remove from heat and add in vanilla extract.
    Cool for about 15-20 minutes to allow it to thicken before icing the cake. If you see that it is too warm and still not completely thick enough, cool it in the refrigerator and get it thick!
    P.S. Some people like to take the caramel and whip it in a stand mixer to create more of a frosting texture. That is totally up to yo

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