10 Healthy Foods To Help You Lose Weight


Skipping breakfast is a huge no-no when you’re trying to stick to a healthful diet. In fact, for those looking to lose some extra weight, breakfast can be a lifeline. If you skip it in the morning and work up an appetite, oftentimes the rest of your day can get out of control especially if you come face-to-face with your pantry – or freezer full of ice cream! But if you eat a healthy meal in the morning, you will feel fuller longer and have more time to burn calories throughout the day! 


There are actually lots of delicious options available when it comes to breakfast but here’s a list of those that are both delicious and can help you stick to a healthy eating plan all day long. 


High in protein and low in calories, eggs make for a smart breakfast choice. A large egg has 6 grams of protein and 70 calories. Compared to carbohydrates and fat, protein helps keep you satiated longer. That’s one reason why eggs are often used as a weight-loss tool: they may help reduce appetite when eaten with breakfast. Eating eggs with breakfast also promotes more favorable results in body-fat percentage, BMI, and waist size compared to skipping the egg course! 

Greek Yogurt 

Yogurt is packed with high-quality protein and B vitamins, which are essential for energy production that keep you feeling fuller for a longer period of time. Yogurt is especially great to have in the morning because it feels much lighter than heavier breakfast options such as eggs and bacon. Yogurt companies now offer convenient small yogurt containers that can last up to five days when refrigerated properly, making these containers perfect for taking them on the go with you in the mornings. With all the flavor options out there today, it’s hard not to find something you’ll love! 



Eating oatmeal for weight loss is a great habit to build. Not only it tastes great, but your body has more time to digest it as you go about your day and you’ll feel full longer! Plus, oatmeal keeps blood sugar levels steady and reduces your hunger cravings so you won’t be tempted to have unhealthy snacks that can throw off your diet.  


A bowl of oatmeal makes an easy breakfast that’s part of a clean eating diet plan – plus it takes little preparation and cooks up quickly. 


Berries make great food for healthy breakfast recipes due to their impressive weight loss profile. Additionally, they rank at the top of antioxidant content per cup among all fruits. Not only are they insanely tasty, but they’ve also been proven to fill dieters up faster than almost any other breakfast food. And what’s more: unlike common breakfast foods that are high in calories and sugars, berries have vitamin C which boosts energy levels and prevents blood sugar spikes! 



Spinach is a great option to start your day because of its high nutritional value and energizing nutrients. Nutrients help keep your heart healthy. By keeping blood sugar levels in check, it can also benefit people with diabetes and other glucose-related conditions. This vital green superfood has all sorts of vitamins and minerals, including Vitamin K. Whether it ends up in a tortilla, put into a smoothie, or tossed into your favorite bowl, you’ll enjoy a positive start to your day with spinach. 

Avocado Toast 

Avocado toast has quickly become a go-to meal for many of us. It’s delicious, quick to make, and carries a lot of health benefits! If you’re looking for a boost of healthy fats in the morning, there’s no better option. In addition to promoting feelings of fullness after meals and keeping blood sugar levels stable, last we checked avocado helps nourish skin cells too! 


Spread your avocado on a slice of whole wheat bread and you’ll be sure to savor every bite while snacking smart as well. 



A notable whole grain to add to your list of healthy choices is quinoa, which packs in more than 8g of fiber per cooked cup serving and also an equal amount of plant-based protein. Not to mention it doesn’t entirely disrupt blood sugar levels due to its low glycemic index, either. It’s a must-add to any kitchen if you’re planning on maintaining a healthy weight! 



Fish is a smart choice when you’re looking for protein because of the many benefits it offers. Fish such as salmon, herring, and tilapia provide essential omega-3 fatty acids that support brain function and healthy inflammation levels. It’s also high in vitamins A, B6, and B12 along with vitamin D to help keep your immune system healthy.  Because fish contains the highest quality sources of protein, it’s important that you opt for naturally raised fish or wild-caught seafood whenever possible – to make sure what you’re eating is free from dangerous contaminants. 

Chicken Sausage Casserole 

This is a filler dish that’s relatively low in calories but is still full of flavor and perfect for people who are looking to liven up their morning meal without hurting their waistline. Casseroles are a great breakfast idea when serving larger groups of people and can be prepared the night before such as on Sunday and eaten throughout the week. 


It’s a smart move for the home chef because you can control exactly what ingredients go into your meal each time. Starting with one easy recipe, then adding your own twist by throwing in fresh vegetables makes it much more flavorful for picky eaters, young and old. 

French Toast 

French toast is primarily made of bread, but it’s not just a simple source of carbohydrates. Like calories, carbs have gotten a bad reputation among dieters and weight watchers over recent years, but they remain necessary for keeping your energy up throughout the day. Besides supplying energy to the body, carbs also contain fiber that helps with digestion and food absorption as well as promoting a healthy gut flora. 


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