One of the best ways to keep your immune system functioning to its highest level is by including a variety of nutrients in your diet that are vital for optimal immune health. It’s not just when you get sick, though – it’s important to realize that it takes the same kind of nutrients to keep your immunity on top form at all times and stay healthy all year long. 


Ever wonder what you need to do on a day-to-day basis to keep your immune system strong? Here are 10 foods that will help build up your body’s natural defenses: 


Broccoli is a great immunity booster that is rich in Vitamin C, beta-carotene, potassium, magnesium and zinc. Just one cup of broccoli contains as much vitamin C as an orange. The veggie also contains B vitamins (b1, b2, b3 & b6). All B vitamins work together to help produce energy, keep our nerves healthy and support our immune systems. 


The key to keeping as much of its flavor as possible when it comes to broccoli is to cook it as little as possible — or better yet, not at all. In fact, research shows that steaming is the best way to keep more nutrients in the food. Add it to any dish, or top with some low-fat cheese to round out a side dish. 

Chicken Soup 

It turns out there is some science behind Grandma’s favorite cold remedy. It can ease symptoms and help you get well faster. There’s even a chemical found in homemade chicken soup that can help protect your body from the flu. What’s more, if you don’t have time to make homemade chicken soup from scratch then research shows that most brands of canned or boxed brand name soups still work to not only ease cold symptoms, but also prevent them – so stock up before next season! 

Citrus Fruits 

The first thing most people do when they catch a cold is to reach for some vitamin C. This vitamin is thought to increase the production of white blood cells, which are key to fighting off infections. 


Almost all citrus fruits are packed to the brim with vitamin C. Eating orange or grapefruit in the morning can be a very convenient way to boost one’s daily intake of this essential nutrient. 


Popular citrus fruits include: 







Garlic has been used as a condiment in cuisines throughout the world for centuries. It’s thought to have antioxidant properties and it may help promote heart health and protect against certain cancers. You can also eat garlic on salads and cooked foods or make a tea to protect you from germs that can damage your health. It has sulfur compounds in it which are antibacterial, antioxidant and antiviral agents. 


For the tea, add lemon juice and honey to hot water and then squeeze in the juice of a clove of garlic. 


Chances are you’re already adding ginger to stir fries or steeping it in hot water with some honey for a soothing beverage to help treat nausea and vomiting. But did you know that ginger can also be helpful as an antioxidant? The next time you’re cooking with ginger, instead of taking pills to get your daily dose of antioxidants, why not add that knobby root into your diet? 

Making sure we get the nutrients our body is best equipped to use straight from fruits and veggies can often be the most effective way of getting the antioxidants we need from a particular food. 



Oysters have zinc in them, which may seem to have an important role in fighting viruses or bacteria. This is probably because zinc helps white blood cells perform their duties of providing the immune system with the capacity to fight infections. Zinc also plays a role in healing wounds and being able to fight off other illnesses. 


Bananas are not just a prebiotic food! In addition to helping digestion, they are high in vitamin B6 which is an excellent nutrient to keep the immune system running smoothly. Bananas can be included in smoothies to add flavor and texture. A banana-based smoothie is a terrific option when pressed for time. 


Low-Fat Yogurt 

Yogurt may propagate a healthier immune system, but every product has its own benefits and should not be considered an all-powerful elixir for wellness. These probiotics actively help you stay healthy by improving your system’s natural mechanisms as a defense to infection. One must remember that not all yogurts are created equal! Although they do need to contain at least some active ingredients, it’s also important that other important elements like vitamins and minerals are included as well. 



This “super food” is packed with lots of nutrients. One of the many benefits found in spinach is its impressive quantity of folate, which helps your body make new cells and repair DNA. But that’s not all – it’s also rich in fiber, such as vitamin C and other antioxidants. Eating spinach raw or lightly cooked is best to benefit from it. 


Though less popular than its often-used counterpart kale, spinach has a number of ways in which it can be prepared and consumed: 


spinach lasagna, 


creamed spinach, 


spinach and cheese stuffed pasta shells. 



Japanese miso is a fermented paste made from soybeans and can be salty or sweet, depending upon its ingredients. You’ve probably had it in a soup, but you can also add it to sauces. Like other probiotic foods, miso contains “good” bacteria that exert an immune-boosting effect on your body. They also fight infections associated with gastrointestinal problems as well as general illness because probiotics increase your overall immunity!  


Enjoying the 10 immune-boosting foods covered in this article may strengthen people’s immune system and improve their ability to fight off infections. 


It is important to remember that the immune system is very sensitive. Eating a proper diet is just one way to support it. 


Make sure to also avoid other factors that may affect your immune system health such as avoiding smoking, getting more sleep and exercising more regularly. 


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