There are many ways to increase your metabolism, but some methods work better than others. In fact, common metabolism-boosting strategies may lead to weight gain. You might be unknowingly sabotaging your efforts without realizing it. Instead of going for half-baked approaches, stick with what works.


It’s important to remember that your metabolism is something you can control. By prioritizing your lifestyle habits, such as healthy eating, staying active, and drinking water or coffee, you have the power to rev up your metabolism each day without even trying. Here are a few ways to attack this goal and keep your metabolism running at its fastest!

What is Metabolism?

The metabolism is the process by which your body converts the food you eat into energy. It’s essentially how your body burns through food. Your metabolism rate is important in determining how efficiently you convert food into energy, so if your metabolic rate is slow, losing weight will be more difficult because it takes longer to burn calories at this speed. However, these seven simple things will help you to make sure your metabolism is running at its peak.

Start your day early

Getting a good night’s sleep before starting the day is vital for anything you need to get done during the day. It’s even more so if you have any particular health care issues that may make it difficult for you to lose weight or health issues in general. Make sure your doctor approves a morning stretch before eating breakfast because stretching after eating can result in digestion disorders and certain types of headaches.


On the other hand, going to bed earlier is also one of the best prevention methods for maintaining a regular blood sugar level. You’ll wake up much more healthy, feeling ready to turn the day into a success using your newfound energy and you’re less likely to feel hungry for certain mid-morning snacks because you can get back on track before the day carries on any further.


Eat at regular times

Our bodies rely on balance and proper nutrition. By establishing a schedule of when you will eat every day, your body is able to maintain metabolic balance more effectively than if you in took food at irregular times, or go long periods without eating.


 It’s important to remember that by fluctuating how much food we eat and go long periods without eating, our bodies feel the need to start saving calories the body would normally burn as energy because it has no access to fuel, and thus begins storing the fat cells that are created instead.


 To prevent this from happening, it is ideal to eat smaller meals spread across many hours throughout your day in order to allow your body access to nutrients more frequently – so plan ahead and make sure that you have ample amounts of delicious snacks available so that you’re never hungry during the course of your workday!


Drink coffee

Caffeine speeds up your central nervous system, which can boost your metabolism. With no cream or syrup, coffee is a great way to give you energy and some antioxidants.


Both caffeine and coffee have the ability to increase fat burning and metabolism levels. A research study published by Harvard in 2003, involving four separate trials found that caffeine and coffee both increased energy expenditure and fat oxidation rates to varying degrees.


Build muscle

Metabolism is more active in muscle tissue than fat, which means muscle tissues and muscles will help speed up the metabolism of your body because it takes more calories for them to be sustained. So if you want to get a faster metabolism, what you should do is lift weights. This also helps split apart fat from muscles so when you lose weight (you are actually burning calories), your muscles won’t grow flabby and deflated. If anything, they’ll stay toned.


Stand up more often

Sedentary lifestyles have become common. Some health commentators have even dubbed sitting down too much “the new smoking” partly because long periods of sitting burn fewer calories and can lead to weight gain. People who sit down on a regular basis may be at a higher risk of heart disease and diabetes. You should take steps to increase lateral movement throughout your day if you typically spend large amounts of time in front of screens.


On some days it can be tough to find the time to exercise between busy work schedules, but making exercising part of your everyday routine never goes out of style. This is why investing in a standing desk that allows you to stand up throughout much of your workday and taking short breaks throughout the day may help contribute to keeping your productivity high. The small investments in daily movement might not seem like much but will make a big difference!


Get more vitamin B and D

If there’s one supplement most people should be taking, it’s vitamin D. It can preserve a healthy metabolism and rev up muscle tissue but scientists estimate that only about 20% of people have enough in their diets.


B vitamins also play an essential role in keeping the body’s metabolism fast. Some important B vitamins include thiamine, riboflavin, and pyridoxine.


Avoid crash diets

Crash diets – those involving eating fewer than 1,200 (if you’re a woman) or 1,800 (if you’re a man) calories a day – will hurt you and your body. Although these diet programs may help you drop pounds in the moment, they’ll put your body at risk of becoming malnourished. In addition to causing extreme fatigue, crash diets will make it difficult to maintain both weight loss and muscle mass. The final result is that your body burns fewer calories at rest, which means you put on more pounds sooner.



Bumping up your daily activity level can benefit both your metabolism and your overall health and well-being. Start by moving more throughout the day! Whether you start with a step counter that shows you how far you’ve gone or by simply changing the way you do housework, research has shown that taking small steps can actually help to change things for the better regarding your weight and overall health because even simple moves like this can lead to big changes in the long run.

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